Holiday Tree Celebration at Southlake Park Village
pictured from left to right: Manju (Lead Teacher), Hannah (Program & Operations Manager), Maria (Owner of Blo Blow Dry Bar), and Mojgan (K-2nd Teacher)
This year, Heart House is excited to participate in Southlake Park Village’s Holiday Tree Celebration Competition! Nonprofits from the area partner with a shop to decorate a Holiday Tree, and visitors vote on their favorite tree. Stop by the shop window at Blo Blow Dry Bar to see the ornaments we made with our students and vote for Heart House before January 1st! The winning tree will receive a $1000 donation from Southlake Park Village.
Our tree features little clay globes, paper “Heart Houses”, paper students, and cloth flags that respresent some of the many countries that our students are from. We think our students’ and teachers’ hard work really shows!
Click here for directions to Blo Blow Dry Bar!Donate Today!
Want to vote for Heart House’s tree now without visiting the shop? Just text HHD to 855-947-5418 to cast your vote!
Enjoying the Last Days of Fall Weather

As the calendar year comes to the end, Ms. Mojgan took the opportunity to teach students about different fall symbols and how they grow, like Sunflowers! Students made their own little sunflower to take home to remind them of warmer weather once winter comes.
Soon her kindergarten students will have their very first winter break of their school careers and they all hope that it snows again this year!
Students in Ms. Manju’s 3rd through 5th grade class having an informal “picnic”– where they share snacks with each other and relax in a sunny spot during recess. Thanks to the inclusive culture established at Heart House, any student is more than welcome to join. When winter comes around, we’ll miss days like this outside!
Learning about Empathy
Ms. Manju’s class eagerly raising their hands to present their projects.
Our 3rd through 5th grade class worked in groups to create a skit that showed how you can be empathetic in every day situations, and what it looks and feels like to care for others around you. Students channeled their inner actors to create unique and fun demonstrations of empathy!
Thank you to Commissioner Claire Stanard!
This month, we were visited by Dallas Commissioner Claire Stanard! Commissioner Stanard has been a long-time supporter of Heart House and we were thrilled to have her meet our students. She spoke to the students about her experience working with the city of Dallas and brought cookies to share! Needless to say, the students would LOVE to have her back anytime.
Heart House is so thankful for everything she does!