Let’s take a look at July happenings and what’s to come in August!
July’s weekly themes were Nature – culminating their learning in a trip to the Dallas Arboretum; Recycling – upcycling items to create something new; Farms – understanding the work that goes into our food; and the Food Chain – following where our favorite foods come from. To finish off the summer is Healthy Choices!
Field Trips!
Fountain Fun and Nature!
Sometimes you just need to slow down and smell the roses. This is exactly what the students did when they went to the Arboretum this past month! They experienced the beautiful grounds, plants, flowers, water features, and the special art installation ZimSculpt, a world-renowned show of modern Zimbabwean stone sculptures. But in a surprise to no one, the Frog Fountains were the biggest hit!
Escaping the heat!
A nice break from hot Texas sun was a visit to the Lake Highlands Splash Pad. It was a blast! Students enjoyed fun water games and seeing how wet they could get their teachers! Special thank you to the Vickery Midtown Public Improvement District for sponsoring the buses for all three summer field trips.
H3: Head, Heart, and Hands this Summer!
Summer programming is one of our favorite times at Heart House. Each summer we pick a theme, and this summer the theme is Explore! Heart House students created their own planets (with clay and Styrofoam) while exploring the Solar System. The exploration then took them to learn about their home planet: Earth. Students learned how to care for planet Earth by learning about recycling. They also learned about where their food comes from, by learning about the Farming process. This week is the last week of summer programming: Healthy Choices. Let’s get a glimpse of the students’ lessons on Recycling and the Food Chain!
For recycling week, the students in Park Lane (3rd & 4th) decided that one of the best ways to reduce the amount of waste they produce is by reusing and repurposing items. Each student in Park Lane decorated a cardboard tile sourced from old cardboard boxes with newspapers, feathers, and markers. In the end, student’s tiles were used as decoration to make the letters “PL” (an abbreviation for Park Lane) and used it as a personalized decor item for the classroom! See their fun, upcycled classroom creation to the left.

Do you know where your food comes from? Wildflower (K-2nd) students do! After learning about the 4 different types of soil (clay, sand, humus, and gravel) during Farm week, the students learned about the process of their food from a farm to their table. See what parts they learned about in the picture to the right!
Don’t forget to RSVP!
September 9th – 4:30 to 7:00 pm See the classroom transformations by Dwell with Dignity!
Food, Family, and Free! Park on the south side of Target on Skillman and ride a shuttle to Heart House!

Are you in college and looking for a fulfilling paid internship? Did you just finish college and looking for resume experience? Come serve as an AmeriCorps member at Heart House. The commitment is 20 to 25 hours/week. Bimonthly stipend and education award at the end of your service. Send resume and cover letter to [email protected] for more information!

Things to look forward to next month: Chef Donny of Khao Noodle Shop will make spring rolls with the students and learn more about the Summer Reading Circles!
Please consider contributing a monthly gift to Heart House.
A $25 monthly gift provides a fun summer activity for one class. Just click recurring donation on the giving page.
Thank you!