The Vickery Meadow community is a large diverse apartment based community with a lack of playspace for the children.
Heart House provides such a space to keep children safe and further our mission of providing safety, education and opportunity for our students.
Heart House’s CEO Lenita Dunlap says she’s touched by the interest in this neighborhood. “It says that you took the time and that you value me. So our hope and goal is that the kids realize that they’re valued,” she said. “We want you to grow in a good space, and that no matter where you came from or the environment where you live, you too deserve the same access to the same things that other kids have,” Heart House CEO Lenita Dunlap.
Check out more in the KERA News Article about the new playground “Monkey Bars and Slides, Oh My! Vickery Meadow Kids Celebrate New Playground”